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How Contradictions Shape Our Lives


Life is full of contradictions—paradoxes we face where two seemingly truths coexist. We can shy away from these tensions with a hesitancy to act or lean into them, finding lessons and growth opportunities in their complexity.

Contradictions are routine in our lives. We act naturally, are alone together, and constantly change—ideas that seem to defy logic yet coexist seamlessly. We speak of deafening silence and accuse others of making a deliberate mistake or having a false reality. We put things in random order, have open secrets, and live in timeless moments. We are icy hot, wise fools and often utter ‘good grief.’ These subtle contradictions pass by us unnoticed but are the essence of our language and experience.


Contradictions are integrated into all facets of our lives. In sports, athletes are often coached to be aggressive while exercising control and discipline to avoid penalties or mistakes. Businesses constantly innovate to stay competitive yet remain cautious to maintain stability. Parents guide their children while granting freedom to make mistakes as part of the learning process. The Bible teaches strength in weakness, freedom in surrender, joy in suffering, the last will be first, and life through death.

These realities shape our character, making us both ambitious and fearful, strong yet vulnerable. They highlight our desire for independence and our hunger for connection. These dualities of human existence define who we are and who we will become.

F. Scott Fitzgerald, author of The Great Gatsby, captured the essence of living with these challenges when he wrote, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” We must face complexity without being overwhelmed, find balance amidst uncertainty, and view these insightful contradictions as opportunities for personal growth.


Contradictions are the seeds that lead to growth and greater understanding and should not be avoided. Accepting those significant to our values will stimulate empathy, develop emotional resilience, and create deeper connections with those whose lives we touch.


What contradictions are shaping your life today? Challenge yourself to deal with complexity boldly and without fear. In doing so, you may discover not only who you are but also who you are meant to be.

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